The morning brought surprises from Santa. A red wagon for Creed (He hung out in it for most of the morning while we opened presents)
Creed adoring Grandpa Ken
And playing with Grandma Cat
And conversing with Audrey. These two were adorable together! Spontaneous kisses were exchanged and it was caught on video. It is so fun watching them grow up together.
Cat went all out. She made us our own stockings.
And provided a feast. Here's a picture of David carving the turkey. He looks a little sinister!
And here's Cat in her element, cooking away.
It was such a fantastic day. Ken kept saying it was the best Christmas ever and I agree. Christmas on the cruise in Jamaica last year was pretty great, but nothing beats your first Christmas with a baby, surrounded by family. I'm so grateful that the Erneys have adopted us. I'm not sure why they chose us, but we couldn't be luckier. Over the past seven years, they have fed us countless times, shared secret recipes, visited us in the hospital, comforted and cuddled Creed, introduced us to Erney Family Holiday, invited us to Jackie Chan movies fests, provided Marissa with a job, shared many a Duckling Day with us, taught how to play Cootie tournaments, and now they've hosted the best Christmas ever. I'm seriously sitting on my couch crying when I think about having to move away from them this summer. Oh, and did I mention that now Elle has provided Larry with all of the secrets to becoming a superhero?
Sadly, today was not Creed's day. I'm not sure if it was just his cold or if it was teething, but he had a VERY rough day and wore us both out. It's a good things there were so many extra hands to help
And now a few gift highlights: my mom shipped us so much Christmas goodness since she couldn't be here to share Christmas with us. She actually made me this Olivia quilt and I love it so much! And she told me has has extra fabric to make a baby quilt if I ever have a girl (hmmmm, first she ships us extra stockings and now she's talking about another baby quilt. I am NOT pregnant blog readers!)
And my other favorite gift was from my adopted mom, Cat. She hand wrote the recipes for all of my favorite things that she makes, and she filled my stocking for the spices they require that she knew I would have on hand. It was probably the most thoughtful gift that I have ever received!
Stephanie - We have to have another Christmas together some time! It is too much fun watching those lovebirds grow up together - Once you're back in Utah, your birth family will see you all the time - your adopted family needs to see you, too. IT WAS A BLAST! love, Mom Cat
Oh my gosh, that quilt! I saw a quilt made of Olivia fabric in a quilt shop in Springville and I've been lusting after it ever since even though I have no use for it. It's beautiful!! Looks like a very Merry Christmas! :)
I LOVE your quilt!! Merry Christmas!
Looks like you had a WONDERFUL Christmas. I LOVE the quilt as well! I wanted to stop in and say THANK YOU for the apron. I will update my blog with pics of me in it for you! I think it is arrived just in time and I was thrilled to see PINK fabric when I opened it! Thanks again! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and "meeting" you! :)
oooo...can I have copies of the recipes? Puh-leeeasuh?
I'm glad you loved your quilt. I had been looking for Olivia fabric and when I finally found enough I just had to make it for you. I'm holding the other Olivia fabric ransom until there is a girl in your family.
The Ernies look great. I'm so glad you have someone to love and take care of you on your side of the planet. You are so far away. The blogging helps us least we get to see pictures of our baby. Love to you!
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