I arrived in Provo with my parents just in time to see the fireworks Saturday night from the Stadium of Fire, which reminds me, one of my 100 things about myself should have been that I was a Stadium of Fire dancer one year, which if you know me does not really suit my personality at all. How did that happen? My family will never let me forget it.
Sitting there watching the fireworks made me a little sad because as much as I HATED Provo when we moved there from Hawaii, I miss it so much. I miss running into people I knew in high school (although I could do without ever running into a few ex-boyfriends I would like to forget existed). I miss billboards on the freeway for cheesy Mormon products that you would never see anywhere else. I miss the BYU bookstore (why am I so obsessed with that place?). I miss knowing all of the neighbors. I miss J-Dawgs (which was not open the entire time I was there!). I miss the mountains. I miss knowing what direction I'm heading while I'm driving because I can see the mountains. I miss sprinklers (they don't really have sprinklers in Ohio because it rains so much).
OK, I've got to stop or this could go on forever. It's a good thing that I started missing Larry even more than all of those things or I wouldn't have wanted to go home, especially now that a lot of my extended family has moved to Utah. Growing up we didn't have a lot of family around so big family gatherings were rare. It was so nice to get together with everyone while I was there.
I think I've mentioned this before, but the Fourth of July has become a huge event in the Borup family. My cousins saved our spot for the parade route on Sunday and spent the night out there Monday to ensure that we would have plenty of space to cause a ruckus during the parade, and believe me, we always cause a ruckus. My family is pretty rowdy at the parade. My uncle gets the whole crowd chanting, and this year we all had to wear matching t-shirts for Tomasso's, an Italian ice shop that my uncles are opening at the Shops at Riverwoods later this month, so there was no pretending that I wasn't a part of this crazy group. Here are my parents in their parade garb.

I also got to spend a little time with my best friend from home, Marnie. I'm not the best at keeping in touch with her, but whenever we get together it feels like we've never been apart. I'm just lucky to know her.

I know, I know. It's me you miss running into! Humble, aren't I?! Honestly, though, I think we haven't been in Utah at the same time for almost 3 years.
It was so fun to be with you! I hope that we can spend more time together soon. You are the best!
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