After all of that we were pretty tired and we got back to Columbus just in time to go to dinner and then head home for bed. Unfortunately, we didn't get a lot of sleep because I woke up with intense stomach pain around 2:30 in the morning. Larry and I couldn't figure out what was wrong, and I was bawling so we felt lucky that my parents we there and we could leave Creed with them and head to the emergency room (Larry was all sentamental, "Awe, our first trip to the emergency room together!")
After lots of tests and lots of vomiting, we still aren't sure what was wrong, but I feel soooooooo much better! There are all sorts of theories: my intestine was folded over on itself but self corrected, my gallbladder had sludge in it, etc. They said that 40% of the time they can't figure out what causes belly pain, and I seem to be one of the lucky ones with no clue what happened. I have never felt anything like that before and I hope that I never do again. They offered to keep me in the hospital another day, but with a two month old at home who needs to nurse and a husband who starts his rotation in the ER today and could treat me just as well at home as in the hospital, I decided to tough it out at home. After some more pain medication and a nap, I actually feel really good. I was able to take it easy today while my parents went to the Memorial Tournament (thanks for the tickets Jill!) so I didn't feel guilty about laying around. My friend Julia drove me to an ultrasound this afternoon, which gave us a chance to catch up. We went to high school together and I was shocked and excited to see her in church on Sunday. Her husband is just starting medical school at OSU so she was able to see where her husband will be spending a lot of his time and I was able to find out what's she's been up to.
It all worked out really well, but I could go without anymore adventures for a few days. My parents leave tomorrow and I'm really going to miss them. I really love watching scenes like this

Okay, I love how much your littlest looks like your dad in that picture! ADORABLE!
I love how in the first picture of the series both Creed and I are staring at the giant chocolate and peanut butter Buckeye. Like father like son!
That was a fun day indeed.
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