One of my favorite picture books is Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems so I decided to try to do a couple of pigeon paintings for Creed's room (mind you I have no idea how to paint. I did have one oil painting class when I was an exchange student in Japan, but I had no idea what the instructor was talking about, and he painted right over my picture as he was trying to explain something to me). I figured the pigeon was simple enough to attempt.

I'm almost done, but I can't decide what color to paint the pigeon's blanket. Any suggestions? The color is a little off in the picture, the bus and the band around the pigeon's neck are both red. I think I probably need to make the black outlines thicker too. What do you think?
Is there anything you can't do? You are so creative and good at everything. I want to see what Creed's room looks like all put together now. Did you finish the dresser?
You'll have to help me come up with some ideas for baby garner's room.
The paintings look great. I love you. -Riss
Stephanie those are amazing! How did you get the lettering so perfect. I think the blanket should be red also.
I love them! Seriously. You are so talented.
Can I hire you to paint some stuff for Joshua's room? You are amazing!
I think the blanket should be brown.
How about painting the blanket tan? Brown would be good too but not as dark as the brown on the walls. These look professional. You are amazing. I think his room will look very cute. I bet the red dresser looks great. How does it look in the room?
Creed is growing so fast. His little cheeks are filling out. We love seeing all the pictures you post on the blog.
OMG! these are amazing! soooo cool! :)
Those are great. You could sell those. What a cute idea for his room.
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