They set four things in front of the child and the one the child chooses is supposed to be an indicator for the future: a string for long life, a pen for education, fruit for health, and a gold coin for riches. Kamiko was proud because Rori went straight for the money.
We went to a big breakfast that our ward threw. After breakfast Larry got soaked . . .
By our friend Heather.
We also went to a barbecue at our friend Amy and John's but Larry had the camera and the only thing that he took a picture of was this frog. I think he lost camera privledges (Or maybe he did it on purpose because he wanted to lose camera duty).
I wrote you a long elborate message to you, and it didn't send, so it is lost in the void of the internet space.
Moving on,
I need your help.
I was wondering how to make the stripes that you made in your kitchen area... di dyou get glossy, and flat paint?
any help would be apperiacted..
What do you mean losing camera priviliges?!? Look at that frog. What a great picture! You reading this - did you see a frog that big during the holiday weekend? I thought not. It was a special, holiday frog. Wow. What an appropriate thing to take a picture of.
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