The Zozes came over at noon today so we could check our fellowship matches together. here are Larry and Donny making sure everything was in working order so we could get our results on time.

And the Zozes will be moving to Vanderbilt next summer!

And the Fords matched too!
In July of 2008
they are headed to . . .
The University of Utah in Salt Lake City!!!!
Hi Steph and Larry, Congrats! (dave sends his condolences as a BYU fan always will).
Congrats!!! I am happy for you guys.
congratulations! i know your family is loving this match!
Wonderful! Now you'll rejoin the children's lit book club Utah chapter, and being close to family when you have a baby is so awesome. I am so happy for you guys,but sad for us to lose you. you can tell, I am a U fan!
Hey guys: It will be so nice to have you home. Creed is growing so fast it will be nice to see him more often and be a part of his life. Also, I'm looking forward to crafting days too. Candice is having a book club tea party at our house next week. We are doing a colonial theme I think. We will have it outside and hang lanterns, make banners out of old book pages, etc. I'll have to have her send pictures. Love you, mom
This almost brought tears to my eyes!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! I hope you are excited, because I for darn sure am!!!!!
hurrah!! you'll be here once again!!
i'm counting the days!!
did you get my parcel i sent you okay?
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