Hi, I'm Creed and I just got all dressed up for my dad's internal medicine department dinner. Thanks Uncle Scott and Aunt Janelle for my suit!

Here I am lookin' fine with my mom.

What? Did I just hear you say, "Fat guy in a little coat?"
What you talkin' 'bout Willis?

Oh, that was just a joke? Now I get it!

Thanks for checking us out!
He is way too cute!
What a handsome little guy. Jax also had a serioud mullet when he was a little younger, now it's a pretty serious mohawk! JOY
Oops, spelling. serious, no serioud :)
He is by far the cutest little guy in town! And, the hat makes the outfit!!
I seriously have the cutest baby EVER! He looked really good at the banquet. All of the other babies there were more than a little jealous!
he is too stinkin' cute!
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