For the last year, we have had a pass to our local zoo, but it expired and I haven't renewed it because I don't know if we're staying here. We used to go to the zoo all the time so we've been missing. Luckily, we've made two trips to the zoo this month. First was with my mom, Eli, and Marissa and her kids when they were visiting from Florida. The boys were beyond thrilled to ride the train with Uncle Eli (I always marvel tat those two boys are so closely related and yet, could not be more different).

We looked all over for the peacock, Creed's favorite animal at the zoo and he didn't disappoint when we found him!

It makes me so happy that Creed and Logan love each other so much

Of course no trip to the zoo is complete without a carousel ride.

Last week, we made it back to the zoo with my friend Melinda and her girls (Who not only got us in for free with their pass, but took all these pictures because it seems I can't remember to bring my camera anywhere these days). Ollie was a lot more awake for this trip.

And Creed will happily follow Laura and Sara anywhere!

We watched monkeys,

carried kids,
tracked down the peacock again,

rode the carousel,

and enjoyed the zoo!
Hi, isn't it too early for little Ollie to use the stroller's seat unit? I mean, I'm not pretty sure how is that regulated in the US, but in Europe, for instance, all babies under the age of 6 months are strongly recommended by paediatricians to be carried in a carrycot or a car seat attached to the stroller chassis, instead of a seat unit. That's because their back and neck muscles ale still not developed and strong enough to travel in the semi-reclined position their seat unit puts them. Honestly, I would just wait these few months longer before such a switch and in a meanwhile just make a good use of the Dreami.
Greetings from the fellow Buzz user. :) Very lovely snapshots! :)
I think it's so cute that Creed wears hats. I love little boys in hats. And yay for the zoo! We have only been once since we moved here (we're not that close), but I would love to go more. It's so fun!
Yes, it is early for Ollie to be in the seat on the Buzz. We brought the Buzz for Creed (he always wants to ride in the stroller when Melinda's girls are in a stroller) and I carried Ollie in a Moby wrap. He just sat in the Buzz while it was reclined while we were watching the kids ride the Merry-go-round, and he wasn't sitting up and supporting himself at all.
Thanks for the warning though! It's always nice to see moms looking out for each other.
It was such a great time! Thanks for coming with girls just adore you and your boys!
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