My head is not at work, my head is at book club. I’m sort of the leader of a children’s literature book club for grown-ups (“sort of” because we’re pretty democratic and don’t need much leadership). It all started when two of my friends, Cassie and Natalie, said that they loved being stay-at-home moms, but they missed teaching elementary school and felt like they couldn’t keep up to date on the children’s literature world anymore. Natalie asked me if I would help her start a book club and I accepted. I didn’t know then that Natalie is full of brilliant ideas, but left with little time for follow through so before I knew it I was in charge with Cassie as my secretary. Luckily some amazing women joined our group and they are always willing to volunteer help. I can’t believe this club is already over three years old!
We meet on the first Tuesday of every month. We vote every six months or so on different topics we want to cover and a different member hosts each month and chooses books that go with one of the topics we selected as a group. Tonight’s topic is multicultural literature and as usual we are discussing some fantastic books. Here are a few pictures that Krystal took for me at last month’s meeting.

Have a told you how much I love these girls? Not everyone is in these pictures but at least you get to see some of their smiling faces. Membership is always changing, people always come and go, but this year we are losing the rest of the members who started with me. Their husbands have graduated from school and are ready to move on with their careers so I feel a little selfish wishing they could stay. Things just won’t be the same without them, and for a day or two, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to continue book club without them. Luckily I know some of the newer book club generation will keep things going strong and we have fresh faces all the time. This month Brooke Beazer (who always has the most wonderful things to say) and Rebekah will be attending (After meeting Rebekah I told her that she needed to be my new best friend and not only did that not scare her away, she invited me over for dinner and reminisced with me about the Baby-sitter's club. Does friendship get any better than that?). So I will go and I will be enlightened and I will grow closer with some women I am lucky to know and book club will move on, whether I want it to or not.
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