I really needed something to look forward to during this dreary weather so I decided to throw a Valentine exchange, basically just like the one that I threw last year in Ohio only with a whole new set of friends. I love exchanging Valentine's. I miss picking out a Valentine and addressing them to each person in my class, but I figure there's no reason that I can't do that now, right?
There were 14 guests so I told everyone to bring 13 valentines to exchange, and the valentine's could be as simple or as ornate as they wanted, the purpose was really just to have an excuse to get together and introduce some of my friends to each other. I kept the food really simple since I was sure the Valentines would include some sweet treats.

I picked up Italian Soda in shades of pink and red (because I'm the sort of person who selects drinks by color, but flavors like blood orange and strawberry
pomegranate also sounded good)

I made sugar cookies and left them for the guest to decorate and take home.

Vanilla, cream cheese, and strawberry frosting.

Lots of sprinkles

And of course a lot of heart shaped candy

This picture is from l
ater in the party when things had been rearranged, but I had to show off that I finally got around to hanging some of the letterpress frame mats that I designed for Sycamore Street Press. Eva brought a bunch of them to me when she was in town for Christmas and I've been debating about what to frame. About an hour before the party I decided I couldn't stand the awkward space on this wall in our dining room so I printed out some Valentine themed prints of children's book characters (since I love children's literature so much) and Larry brought up the table that was behind our couch in the basement.

Hearts were everywhere. I even hung heart ornaments in all the windows.

We did the exchange speed date style so you had three minutes to swap with one person and tell them about your Valentine and then when the timer went off, you moved to the next person. As usual, I didn't get photos of everyone, but here are some of my friends with their valentines.
Whitney with Yo
Gabba Gabba valentines. I laughed when she said she tried to buy New Kids of the Block valentines on
Ebay, but didn't win the auction.

Melissa had mini spa treatment for everyone. She made a lavender milk bath treatment and gave out chocolates to each while you soak.

My mom gave out these cute candy filled hearts and put earrings that she made on the
name tags.

Elisa made really cute chocolate mice (and Creed might have eaten two this morning for breakfast).

Melinda made salsa and handed them out with chips.

Annie made
CDs of her favorite romantic songs.

Wendy made chocolate covered pretzels and heart barrettes made from felt.

Liz gave out white chocolate because that's her favorite treat.

And Marnie handed out heart ornaments with one of her favorite quotes.
Faith made really cute Valentines bracelets and Lisa made little terracotta hearts that came with a little bottle of perfume to soak them in so you can put them in your drawers and they will smell good.
Thank you to my mom for the pretty tulips and for helping me set up and thank you to everyone who came. It was so fun to visit with everyone. I'll post pictures of the valentines that I made next.