Creed is a little cranky today after being a little sick last night so what better to cheer him up than this onesie Grant decorated for him? I love that he wrote, "It is good to have a new boy." on it.

And what better to cheer me up than to finally be done with my pages for a quiet book exchange group that is meeting tonight.

Yep, it was a lot of work. Thank goodness my mom was able to help me with them while she was visiting. I made the layout up myself so here's a closeup. One side is a finger puppet theater and the other side has five finger puppets with pictures of their habitats on the pockets.

We finished painting Creed's room back when my mom was visiting, but the nusery hasn't progressed much further than that. We sanded Creed's dresser on Saturday, but we haven't had a chance to paint it yet and I picked up some canvases to do some paintings, but I didn't get to that either. I think Larry and I are both amazed at how limited our freetime is these days, but we'r ehappy to be so busy (really, really tired, but happy).
Creed's room looks amazing! How did you make the cool scallops? It is amazing how your free time changes with a baby - I'm sure you guys are doing great. We miss you!
Steph - You're consistently amazing!!
And yes, it IS good to have a new boy!
oooh! i love the walls! wow! that is so super cool!!! :)
Thanks for the complements on the walls! We painted the top 2/3 of the walls turquoise, let that dry for a day and then we taped a level line all the way around the room where we wanted the top tips of the scallops to be. I put tape across the middle of a plastic plate and then I lined up the tape with the tape on the wall and traced it around the room. Then we painted it by hand. I'm sure we could have created a stencil that would have been much easier and faster, but I'm so happy with the way it turned out!.
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