Creed is suddenly talking so much more. My little parrot is teaching me the phrases that I must say a lot. Two weeks ago he started putting one finger in the air and telling me, "A minute. A minute." I'm constantly saying that to him: I know you're hungry and your lunch will be ready in a minute, I'm on the phone with dad so I'll help you in just a minute, wait a minute before you get into the tub so I can get the water just right, etc.
The one that surprised me was when he started saying, "I mean it!" What? Since then I realize that if Creed ignores something that I say, I find myself saying things like, "It's time to go. Go get your shoes . . . Creed, I mean it. Go get your shoes." Now if I don't do something he wants he tells me, " I mean it!"
And since he's saying so much more, we're finding out a lot more about what he wants. Like yesterday when I put a shirt and jacket on him, but he refused to wear the pants I picked out. Instead, he decided that he want to wear the chicken pants from the bottom of his chicken costume. If that's what makes him happy, that's fine with me. Besides, wouldn't that site at the grocery store make you smile?
Oh wait, maybe we do.
cute post!
and wow, gnome pj's! who knew!
I love the bow tie . . . it reminds me of the suave outfit Creed wore to Audrey's birthday party (I am so sad we won't get to celebrate together this year). And, I love and commend you for your attitude. Because I agree, if it makes him happy - who cares? Picking out her own clothes is very big for Audrey too. Today she went to school in a pink, white and tan outfit, accompanied by none other than very red Hello Kitty socks . . . not the same as chicken pants but stylish none-the-less.
I have to tell you, I laughed as I read your post.... so cute. Thanks for putting a smile on my face for the day (every time I think of your PJ's)
My guy, when he was little, when i was doing something he didn't like would say "dis is a choice" because we would always tell him: This is your choice when giving him parameters. :)
I fully admit to owning (and wearing constantly) those traveling gnome PJs ;o)
I was just thinking this morning that I would like to wear my chicken pants.
I love picturing Creed say, "I mean it"!
so what'd you get from urban? huh? i thought it was 'no-spend-February'!!
The chicken pants really made my day!
I need to teach Creed to say, "I can't help it, it's genetic"
The chicken pants, the bowtie. I love it. He is so darling and every bit as crazy as his parents! Ha!
So cute! I love it when personality emerges. You guys are awesome. We miss you! We go to Minnesota tomorrow to find a house!
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