Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Creed at 18 months

It's so hard for me to believe that Creed is a year and a half old. This age is so fun and he's growing so quickly. If our Ohio friends could see him now, they wouldn't believe the difference. He's very independent and getting into everything, but he still loves to hold our hands, and still has to cuddle after every nap. He loves trucks, and tools as most boys do, but he also has an obsession with the moon. He gets so excited when he sees it at night and flips through every book we have looking for the moon.
He does so many things that make me smile like wave at the bugs on the sidewalk and hug drawings of the moon.
He also still loves to take his wagon everywhere.
He cannot go to sleep without his binky and this blue blanket. He drags it all around the house and looks just like Linus.He's starting to talk a lot and loves to parrot things we say. He has quite a random vocabulary and says things like apple, bubbles, hot dog, and Robot clearly, but he never said no until a few days ago (but oh boy have we heard No a lot the past few days).

He loves to try things on and then he runs to the mirror in our hallway to check himself out and dance. He wore this crown from Audrey for several hours the other day. he even had to wear it on our walk outside.
He loves music and is already a better dancer than me or Larry. Every time there's a pause between songs we hear a little voice asking, "More? More? More?" and he will also say more when he doesn't like a song and wants you to move onto the next one. His current favorite is a tossup between Beastie Boys "Body Movin", and the soundtrack to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
He's a bundle of energy so I failed to get a single picture of him smiling and looking at the camera as you may have noticed.
Up until this point, I've loved having Creed, but I was always excited for him to move onto the next stage of life, to crawl, to walk, etc. But he seems so perfect right now that I don't want him to change a bit. He has such a funny personality and I feel so lucky that I get to spend all day hanging out with him and I don't have to miss anything.


Brittany said...

You gotta enter that kid in a contest...he is too cute! He looks so old in the picture of him with his blanket on the couch. We sure do miss him at our playdates--you too for that matter! Glad you're having fun in Utah.

ellen said...

And he's off to Nursery! What a cute kid!!

Brooke said...

He is adorable! I'm sad that I still haven't met him. Do you guys want to meet at Gardner Village to walk around and look at the witches one day this month?

Anonymous said...

I am SO jealous you get to spend all day with this precious little boy.

My favorite is when he watches bugs on the sidewalk, waves to them, and then stomps on them. My other favorite is how one night he kept reaching for the moon, running and stretching his chubby little fingers in the sky tring to get it - then turning to me angry and demanded I get the moon for him. My other other favorite is when he thinks no one is looking - looking around first to ensure no one is watching, and then he quickly licks something, usually a toy but it can be anything (including, to our horror, the handrails on the NYC subway!). My other other favorite is how he LOVES any dance I do, no matter how silly - it's always the funniest thing to him. But my real favorite is how when he hugs you, his little arms now reach around your neck and he squeezes. He now does it consistently when he's getting ready for bed at night, and it makes me not want to put him to bed...

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

i love love love that he was hugging that drawing of the moon!

Stephanie said...

I love the one of him hugging the moon! What a sweet boy :)

Brian Adair Fam said...

Creed is such a sweet boy. I love reading about the things he's doing because Austin does a lot of the same things. Isn't this age the best?!? They are just too sweet and curious at this age. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to pick up Miss Audrey and have a play date with the two of you RIGHT NOW! We miss you!!