Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Sights That Made Me Feel Warm

So, it's been a chaotic month, but there have been many moments that I looked around and life still seemed perfect. Looking back, I even managed to catch a few of them on my camera.

Boy bonding time. Can you believe how tiny Ollie was?
Creed being so tender with Oliver, already taking his big brother duties seriously.
Larry and Creed just doing some recreational reading. What your three-year-old does not enjoy medical journals? Ours does.
Creed sneaking off to his room for some personal reading time. I love peeking in on these moments.
Ollie and Creed relaxing together after their naps.
Larry putting Creed to sleep in his tiny toddler bed, both of them fully dressed, and both soundly asleep when I came to check on them.
Ollie dressed up for church
Creed sharing his blankie with Ollie; a small miracle since his major concern before Oliver was born was that Ollie needed his own blankie so he wouldn't take Creed's.
Ollie becoming so much more observant of the world around him.
Rachel watching Ollie and Ruby so Larry and I could get in some quality packing time. We have some really great friends.
Larry worn out after we finally got all moved to the new apartment, but still squeezing in as much quality time with the boys as possible.
Ollie's cheeks becoming perfectly plump!
Creed taking time out to play with his brother. He talks to him in the cutest high-pitch voice.
The huge smiles coming from Ollie
Creed and his friend Tyler in matching outfits. Living next-door may be Creed's favorite part of the new apartment
Because everybody could use a friend nearby to be silly with.
Yes, life is still pretty amazing.


  1. love you...miss you...glad to see you are getting settled...doing well...still inhabiting the same planet I do. Hugs to all!

  2. Chaos indeed. But I agree - so many good memories it'll all be worth it.

    And let it be known: I threw away both of those hole-y socks.

  3. That's funny you said that Larry because the first thing Jack said was "Mom, can we buy Larry new socks, he looks like he needs them bad!". At least your nephew will take care of you!

  4. i award this the "best blog post i've read this year" and "most smile inducing blog post ever" and "you're just plain awesome". don't ever stop blogging stephanie. your family is just too perfect and those boys are darling.

  5. Oh, I love those photos of Creed and Oliver together. They are both so cute and obviously adore each other. Can't wait to see you guys again after we get back!

  6. And kudos to you, Steph - for embracing the beauty and joy that is in your life!
