Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Countdown

You know that I love celebrating special occasions so of course I also love counting down to the big day. I knew that I wasn't going to see my friend Lisa on her birthday so I made her this little birthday countdown, and I slipped a little note telling her something that I love about her into each envelope. So got to open one each day until her birthday.
I meant to put a number on each envelope, but didn't have time since I had to drop it off while we were in Provo. I still think it turned out pretty cute. I think that you could do something similar for just about any special day.


  1. so cool. Chris and I were just talking about how to add more anticipation to our lives. This would do it in style. . .

  2. this is such a great idea! where do you come up with so many awesome ideas? I love it!

    BTW, it was so great to see you, even if it was way too loud and way too short. I hope if you come to CA you'll stop in for a visit or even to stay. You guys are welcome any time! :)
