Sunday, July 27, 2008

Date Night

I think I can almost count all the times we've left Creed with a baby sitter on one hand. He's sixteen months old so if you do the math, we are not getting out a lot these days. Yikes! And now that we live in a new place with no friends we have even less options. Luckily, I talked my parents into watching Creed after he went to sleep for the night (so no work was involved) and Larry and I headed out to do something I've really been wanting to do; we took a moonlit tram ride at Sundance. It was as beautiful and romantic as I pictured it! You should try it during the next full moon!


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Yay! So fun! We didn't get to go the next day. :( Jacob was helping my sister with a yardwork project that didn't get finished until late late late. I was so bummed. It looks like it was really fun!

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Good for you - that looks like a perfect date!

  3. I totally know how hard it is to leave your kids with a babysitter! We didn't leave our daughter over night until she was 3 1/2! It gets easier :)
