Sunday, March 25, 2012

VIP Status

 Larry's twin cousins, Trent and Trevor, had just come home from serving two year missions, and Creed loved hanging out with him on the cruise.  They were sweet to come get him for a special trip for ice cream just about every day.  I think they also liked having Creed as an excuse to do some of the little kids things like meet characters and volunteered to take him a few times (which we greatly appreciated).  Trevor and Creed became friends with a cast member when they were waiting in a long line to meet Stitch and later she tracked us down and invited Creed to a VIP character meet and greet the last night of the cruise. I didn't even know there was such a thing so it was a fun surprise. 

It was late so I stayed with Ollie in our cabin while the boys went, not expecting much.  It turns out all the characters were there, in fact there were more characters than visitors so the characters were standing around waiting to talk to people.  Larry said he even had to politely tell Minnie to move on because she was just hanging around them, which he could only take so much of because she can't actually talk.  Haha!

 I'm not sure if we have Creed's cuteness to thank for the event of Trevor's.

 And I'm not sure if Creed enjoyed it more of Larry!

1 comment:

  1. Larry9:48 AM

    VIP's indeed! Creed did enjoy it more, but I will admit it was fun.
