Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Creed Finds a Place to Call His Own

Someone mentioned to me the other day that I've never shown Creed's room on my blog (so much for the home tour, I have yet to show you about half of our house).  Creed has one of the coolest rooms in the house architecturally, and we have big plans for it, but they'll have to wait until next year while we take care of more immediate needs.  I'm a little embarrassed that I've put so little effort into, but why bother for something temporary (and I must admit Ollie's room is much worse off at the moment).

Another reason that I haven't posted pictures is that with so many windows, it's really hard to take pictures in Creed's room so I hope you'll excuse the messy photos.

Welcome to Creed's room for now.
 For the past few years I've been picking up letters here and there with the hopes of someday spelling "abracadabra" on Creed's wall.  I know I could have easily gone on a site like Etsy and picked them all up, but the fun was in the hunt.  Most of them are vintage sign letters picked up from neighborhood consignment shops when we lived in Salt Lake.  The last letter that I picked to complete the collection was the letter A with wings, and it actually is a new letter from Etsy, but it was too amazing to pass up (You can custom order any letter in several colors at Edie's Lab. They were remarkably fast, and they happen to be having a holiday sale right now).

I'm not even sure how we ended up with The Cat in the Hat wall stickers, but Creed found them in a donation pile when we moved and begged to put them up in his room, which is fine for now.
 The original plan was to spray paint the letters in different gold finishes, but I ended up loving them just the way that they are.

In the corner we have the bookcase that my dad built to hold bedtime stories, which we are always rotating from our bigger library, and a rocking chair to sit in during the bedtime stories.  The map of the US is from a printer from our old hometown, Columbus, Ohio, These are Things and it looks like they just got in back in stock.  We've had this printing sitting around for a year and I'm glad we finally found it a home.  I'm pining away for a few of their other maps because they are all so cool.
 In the opposite corner is a shelf to hold Creed's toys plus a couple of odds and ends that I have yet to find a home for.
 And next to that is a whole wall of sliding glass doors with a balcony (did I mention that every bedroom in our house has a balcony and they all have big gaps at the that my children could easily fit under?  Yes, we keep those locked)
 The view is pretty amazing.  It's the best place to watch thunderstorms when they cross the valley.
 The wall next to that is basically covered in doors so it's not terribly exciting, but you can see our one splurge on this room, that David Trubridge pendant.  Luckily, we got it for an amazing deal and had out electrician install it when we were remodeling.
 My fingers sure hurt after putting it together, but I think it was totally worth it.
And that's Creed's room.  What do you think?


  1. Love. It's huge! Love the way you display his toys - is that an Expedit bookshelf?

  2. I think I want a room just like his! :)

  3. Creed's room rocks! Congrats on finding all the abracadabra letters, the winged a adds just the right amount of whimsy. Will you please send me your new address so I can send you a Christmas card? Thanks.

  4. Fabulous! This is the TEMPORARY look? WOW!

  5. Love it - such great details. The abracadabra is genius & now I'm on my way to check out the winged letters for my boys! Thanks for sharing.

  6. LOVE it! I love how much wonderful space he has to play. So great!!

  7. That's a cool room. I think you might live close to some friends of mine; your view looks like their view!
