Sunday, July 24, 2011

Who knew there was so much to do in Ogden.

We tried to take a few day trips while we were living in Salt Lake because we had a long list of things we'd been meaning to see and do and never seemed to get around to.  First on our list was spending a day playing on Ogden.  We started out at the Treehouse Museum.  My sister-in-law Janelle met us there with our nephew William and our one and only adorable niece, Lucy.  Creed had fun pretending to be president in the replica of the oval office.

 It was funny to see that Ollie and Lucy are about the same size, but Ollie is a year older.
And this is the only picture that I caught of William because the kids were all on the move exploring.
 After lunch, we visited Odgen Eccles Dinosaur Park, which we loved even more than the Treehouse Museum.
 There are dinosaur statues all over the park and Ollie thought the dinosaur sounds were hilarious.

 Creed and Larry had a blast pretending the dinosaurs were real.

 This photo of Creed might be one of my favorite pictures of him ever.

 There was a really kitchy playground there and since it was a cloudy day, we were the only family there so we played the day away.

 They have a museum inside with the typical dinosaur bones that you would expect. Then upstairs they had some animatronic dinosaurs.
 Creed had a hard time believing they were not real.  He didn't want to be anywhere near them, but he would have watched them for hours.
If you are in the area, I highly recommend a visit.  I have to say, Ogden is sort of little boy heaven.  You can see a lot of cool old trains downtown at Union Station and next time we're up there, we're hoping to visit the Hill Aerospace Museum just outside of Ogden.  Good thing we have cousins up there to visit!


  1. Your family is HILARIOUS!!!

  2. Love it!

    Hey, I just have to ask where you buy all of your boys CUTE clothes and shoes. They always look so adorable! Love your style :)

  3. hanks for the kind words, Allison! I hate paying a lot for my boys' clothes so I check clearance racks all over when I am shopping and if it's cute, cheap, and too big for them, I pick it up and store in in bins according to future sizes. They are from all over, but some of my favorites are from Gap (So expensive, but I have a Gap card and they have special cardmember sales all the time so I never pay full-price for anything) and whenever we travel and try to hit up H&M if there's one in the area. Other stuff is from Target, Old Navy, Crazy Eight, or even J Crew, Tea or Mini Boden if there's a really great sale online (I also hate taking both boys shopping so I love to shop online)

  4. I've been clicking around your blog all day. I'm not sure where I found you but I'm really enjoying reading about your life. Your house is beautiful. I love Provo. Go Cougars! I live in Lehi. My kids have cousins up near Ogden too. And Robert Sabuda is my favorite.
