Tuesday, February 08, 2011

They Say Clothes Make The Man . . .

When I picked what he's wearing.
When HE picked what he's wearing.
When I picked what he's wearing.
When HE picked what he's wearing.
When I picked what he's wearing.
When HE picked what he's wearing.
When I picked what he's wearing.
When HE picked what he's wearing.
When I picked what he's wearing.
When HE picked what he's wearing.
When I picked what he's wearing.
When HE picked what he's wearing.
When I picked what he's wearing.
When HE picked what he's wearing.


  1. this blog entry has AWESOME written all over it!

  2. Love it! So adorable! Haven't we all had moments like these. We need to make a button that we can pin on our children that says "I dressed myself today!". When you make one, will you send me one too?

  3. Oh my gosh! So adorable.

  4. He is a little STUD for sure! What a cutie! Definately has his own style ;)

  5. I am dying over here! Not only his outfit choices, which are, just amazing, but his facial expressions.

    so funny!

  6. Larry7:32 AM

    Steph - you dress that boy well. And Creed - you dress yourself sometimes, with varied effect. Love the post Steph!

  7. Love the post!! You dress him so well, but you also can't deny that Creed has some serious STYLE! Love it. I also really like that he wears hats alot. I just can't get Sam to like hats :(

  8. Larry8:15 AM

    Okay, this post still makes me laugh. Right out loud. Crazy cute kid we have here!
