Monday, November 22, 2010

Hello, my name is Stephanie, and I am a collector of things

I've always been a collector of things.  I can't seem to help myself.  Lately, I seem to collect practical things, but they are certainly just as treasured.  Here are a few examples.

1.  Pretty stamps.  Every time I stop by the post office, it seems I walk away with some pretty stamps.  I'm not a real stamps collector because I don't keep them, I just like to have beautiful stamps on hand for mailing things.  This way I don't have to grit my teeth as I slap an ugly stamp on correspondence that I went to so much effort to make pretty.

2.  Fun birthday candles.  I rarely bake cakes, but it seems like whenever I have, I've rummaged through our kitchen looking for candles only to come up empty handed, and birthdays just aren't as magical without a birthday wish, are they? A few years ago, I decided to be better prepared, and now I get a little thrill every time I spot new birthday candles when I'm shopping (I never claimed I was cool).

These sparkler candles and rainbow candles are from Target.
 And I think I found these Prism color flame candles at my neighborhood grocery store.

Do you collect any practical things like this?  Do fun birthday candles and cute stamps make you happy?


  1. I collect cookie cutters, even though I don't make sugar cookies that often, I just love to have the perfect cookie cutter when I do.

  2. Oh boy. I can't even tell you how happy stamps and candles make me :) (I tripped across your blog looking for things just like that and now I can't stop going through the entries). I used to collect stamps as a kid, but now I do as you do and just use them to prettify (that's a word, right?) my missives. -Usually. I love that King and Queen set and will make Valentine's cards with them. I make a lot of cards, so ephemera is deeply appealing to me. Do an ebay search for vintage matchbox labels sometime and see if you ever stop. So lovely :) Ephemera, vintage silver baby cups (again, cheap on ebay) white, fish shaped dinner platters... I could go on :)
