Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eli & Brenna's Reception

Brenna's mom's best friend happens to own this beautiful home where they held the reception. I wish I had a wider angles lens so you could really sense how pretty it was.Brenna's family did an amazing job putting together the reception. No detail was overlooked. And the colors happened to be yellow and gray so Creed pretty much thought it was a big party for him.
I loved these floral initials hanging on one of the trees.
All the men in the bridal party wore gray suits with gray Vans. Doesn't my dad look studly?
And speaking of studly . . .

This in the only picture that I managed to get of all the nephews from our side of the family (we have no nieces).
Doesn't Oliver look dapper?
They served Eli's favorite food, J-Dawgs
And they had a shaved ice booth
And lots of lemonade on hand for the warm weather.
Creed kept begging to have some yellow cake

But luckily, he was happy stuffing his pockets at the yellow candy bar
There were so many fun details, like this tandem bike that Brenna had painted yellow that they rode off on at the end of the night while everyone lined the driveway with sparklers and fireworks
But my favorite detail had to be the photobooth! You can see it in the background here.
They printed two copies for everyone so you had one to glue into the guestbook and one to take home.

And I was glad to see that Eli and Brenna had a chance to slip in.
Eli and Brenna are so cute that I can't wait to see their real pictures!
Our little Eli is all grown up and a good time was had by all!


  1. I love the photo-booth idea!
    And that last picture is very special...

  2. What a gorgeous wedding. If I'd had a bigger budget I would've loved to add some of those details like the shaved ice stand and flower initials!

  3. WOW! What a beautiful reception. I love the gray and yellow color combination. And the boys just look precious in their suits and yellow ties.

  4. So so cute! Love the yellow...How thoughtful of her to cater to Creed! ;)

  5. wowowowow!!!

    what an amazing reception! I loved EVERYTHING! and that wedding dress is so sweet!

  6. I love the photo booth idea, and I can't wait to show Audrey the pictures of Creed in his suit and tie . . . seriously, the boy is going to break A LOT of hearts!

  7. I loved it! Everything was so beautiful and so fun. Your family looked great. It was so nice to see you. Let's do it again soon (hint, hint).
