Sunday, November 08, 2009

One more Trip to Disneyland

We had one free weekend in October and after a little bit of debate, we decided to take a quick trip to Disneyland since it might be our last chance to stay at Larry's mom's for free if she sells her house next summer. Creed was thrilled with the idea and my mom ended up being able to come along. My little brother and his girlfriend Brenna were also spending the weekend in CA for the BYU game so they spent Friday at Disneyland too. Unfortunately, do to random circumstances involving Utah's fall break, Australia's spring break, and certain blackout dates for season pass holders, I've never been to Disneyland when it was SOOOOOO CROWDED and to make matters worse, it was really hot. That said, most of the lines moved pretty fast, and it was so fun to be there with Creed who thinks all the characters are real.He got to meet Mickey twice the first day and was shy and excited both times.

He rode the Toy Story ride in California Adventure with us and when he got off, he tearfully told me, "I was terrified, Mama!"
So here are a few pictures of him before he was "Terrified" (How does he even know that word?)
He took a nap and woke up during the Aladdin show. I've never taken the time to see the show before, but we opted for it for the air conditioning and we were all impressed. It was like a 45 minute Broadway Show.
It's always fun to see the whole park decked out for Halloween, even Mickey.
We left after the fireworks show (which Creed is still talking about) and debated about going back the second day or just skipping it all together.
Ultimately, we decided to go back for one more day, but to leave as soon as we all felt tired. It actually ended up being a very relaxed, fun day and we stayed much longer than I thought that we would. We rode a few things at Disneyland when the park opened and then avoided the crowds and spent most of the day at California Adventure. Creed and I started out riding finding Nemo while my mom and Larry went on some grown-up rides.
We had his silhouette cut out since I've always wanted to do that.
we also had some mother/son time in Bugs Land where we rode the Heimlich the Caterpillar train over and over again.
and we met Mr. Incredible
which Creed really thought was very incredible.
He also rode the carousel eight times!
He loved feeling like he could fly on the golden Zephyr so we also all rode that a few times in a row.
And he loved having my mom there to steal drinks from.
I actually took very few photos, but just wanted to note a few of Creed's favorite things here. He still loved the Playhouse Disney Show with Mickey Mouse. He refused to go on Pirates of the Caribbean. He still talks about flying in Boats on the Peter Pan ride and the flying Dumbo ride, but his favorite ride was definitely It's a Small World, although when he tells you about it, he will tell you that it's a "little bit fast!"

Overall, I would say the trip was exhausting, but still well worth it. Plus how can you complain when your trip starts with this
And it ends with hours of this on the way home?


  1. Way too much fun! We wish we could've joined you...wanna join us for Christmastime??

  2. Too fun! I haven't visited The Happiest Place on Earth in at least 10 years, and now I'm even more excited to do it with Isabel. I love that Creed had to ride the carousel 8 times -- sound like someone else I know!

  3. Sounds like lots of fun. I know the Heimlich train very well! Sam was scared of everything but did love the train and the carousel.

  4. In spite of heat, crowds, and lots 'o driving, it really was a fun trip - next time we'll just have to give ourselves some more time (or fly!)

  5. Creed is looking so old!! What a fun trip, and great to have your mom come along:).
