Monday, February 09, 2009

February Favorites

Larry and I have been working on a project that has been making me miss our friends the Hudsons so I've been thinking about what I could do to stay in touch a bit better.  I got the idea to send them a list of some of our favorite things every month to share with their daughter Audrey; maybe a song or a movie, but mostly a list of picture books.  That got me thinking, if they are things I love so much, why not share them with everyone? So look forward to monthly lists of things we think everyone should have a little of in their lives.  I think it will also be a great way to spark some memories when we look back at this blog.

Favorite picture book of the month: A Visitor For Bear by Bonny Becker
I really hope that it wins the Cybils award!
Favorite TV Show of the month: Olivia
I practically forced Creed to watch this the first time since I was so excited about it, but now he might even love it more than me.  It's the only things he might like to watch as much as Wall-E, and I am relieved because I can only take so much Wall-E.
Kids' song of the month: Family Tree by Frances England
I have no idea how to post a song or if that's even possible so here's the link.  It talks about adding another baby to a family of three so it made me think of Audrey waiting for her new sibling.

And not all of these will be our favorites for kids.  Here are some of our other favorites this month.

Grown-up movie of the month: Ghost Town
Maybe it was because we weren't expecting much, but Larry and I watched this with my parents Saturday and we were all pleasantly surprised (except for a few months of language that warrant the PG 13 rating).  Not your typical romantic comedy.
Favorite young adult book of the month (and actually all of 2008): The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks by E. Lockhart
I know, I already blogged about it on the child lit site, but I think you all should read it so I can't stop talking about it.

Favorite Grownup song of the month: Umbrella by Marie Digby
Simply because listening to Creed sing out, "Ella, ella, ella!" as loud as his little lungs will let him makes me grin every time.  See it here to get the gist, but download the Itunes version which is better.

My Favorite accessory of the month: a new polka dot umbrella 
found here.


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I love the list and we miss you too! And I've been meaning to put the Olivia show on our list of TiVo recordings. So, we just did (thanks for the reminder/suggestion)! I'll contact you soon to set up another webcam date.

  2. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Love this. I never get tired of Marie Digby's Umbrella AND I've been waiting to see if that exact umbrella from Old Navy goes on sale. Except my black and white polka dot umbrella just broke so I may just go ahead and order it.

  3. Okay so I just finished The Disreputable History tonight--couldn't put it down, and have been looking forward to reading it for a while. We laughed really hard at the dentist in Ghost Town ourselves--funny character. "So when did you get your horse?" AND we are rooting for A Visitor for Bear as well--Alyssa is a huge fan and quotes "Toodle--oo" all the time laughing at mouse.

  4. Thamks for the "Umbrella" song suggestion. I downloaded it and really like it. I'll have to check out your book recommends too.
