Thursday, February 26, 2009

Easter is still far away, but . . .

While running errands today, I couldn't avoid going to the Dreaded Wal-Mart.  I couldn't find the things I needed anywhere else.  

Creed and I ended up walking up and down the rows of Easter goodies as I explained a bit about Easter.  Imagine my delight when I turned a corner and saw this: a beautiful, color-coordinated display.  If you have a child like mine who prefers all things to be his favorite color (in his case, yellow) then seeing all these perfectly matching treats together will give you visions of beautiful Easter baskets.  Granted some of the products were cheesy, but a lot of them were pretty.  How can you resist that cotton candy?
They even had a whole row of color-coordinated Easter grass
And each box had four different kind of Easter grass so you can find what you need whether it's the plastic grass or crinkled paper.
And to top it all off, they had loads of Cascarones!  Cascarones are eggshells will with confetti. It's a Mexican tradition to try to break them over your friends' heads said to bring good luck.  I've always thought it would be fun to include cacascarones in our moonlight-flashlight Easter egg hunt that we hold for our grown-up friends, but I've been too lazy to make them myself.  What a score!


  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Wow, you must have been the first person on that aisle. I have never, ever seen Walmart look like that. That alone is a reason for a picture

  2. oooh I am interested in those Cascrones. Thanks for the tip...although I hope they have them at Target, I really don't want to go to Wal-Mart.

  3. Anonymous6:48 AM

    You, sweet friend, should never use the word "lazy" to describe yourself! I am now on the hunt for Cascarones . . . what fun!

  4. Thanks for Cascarones explanation how cute! I doubt my NY walmart has them but I am going to search and find them! lol I love your blog you and your family are so cute.. Hugs Grace

  5. can't wait to hear more about your moonlight egg hunt. Sounds like lots of fun!!

  6. Steph, we just ate our little pies! Soooo good, and so fun! Thank you again for the party.
