Monday, April 14, 2008

There is beauty all around . . .

Taking down some of our personal pictures and putting up other art work has got me thinking about some of my favorite prints available that I might like to use in our next space. I thought that you might enjoy some of them too.

This one is a reproduction of a WWII poster. My friend Cristin has one and I've been wanting to order this one for ages, but Larry has convinced me to wait until we move before I do because it comes in several different colors.

I think this historic copy would fit right in my library.

Jenn Ski on Etsy has a trio of A, B, and C that I would love to own. Here's the A.And as long as we're talking about Etsy favorites, I have to mention John W. Golden. I love his whole By Order of the Management series. You should also check out his critter series if you have a chance because it's pretty cool too.I love the bold graphic nature of this one.

And my current favorite is this Robin Rosenthal Counting poster. I love the cute birds and the typography.

And thanks to Candice, I do actually like something other than graphic design. Due to her influence, I've fallen for the work of Rodney Smith. Every photo just seems to have such a story to tell. I would love to surround myself with them.

I actually checked Rodney Smith's Hat Book out from the library and Creed has looked through the whole thing with me several times so even he can't resist it.


  1. Anonymous1:14 AM

    I really love that Keep Calm and Carry On poster. It's been my motto through this whole medical school process. And I just discovered that Robin Rosenthal Counting poster today and fell in love.

  2. WOW! thanks for all the links....i'm heading to check them out now!

  3. My decorating seems to lean towards graphically pleasing displays of phrases I like, so I totally loved these suggestions. (I am in LOVE with the alphabet series---when I need a nursery I am totally getting those). And I saw a Rodney Smith exhibit at BYU and was completely enchanted, so unique.

  4. The "Keep calm and carry" on is sold through barter books in the UK, and total price even includes shipping and is 13 bucks. But it only comes in red. the other colors are a "lift" of the original (i decided not to support because it felt like scraplifting to me) and they are 25. Congrats on getting an offer so fast!

  5. How do you find these gems?? You have such great taste.
    I too fell in love with Crisin's poster and was thinking of getting one. I did however see an interview in Cookie mag. where the person interviewed had one and said something to the effect of "everyone is getting one of these lately" which has made me hesitate. And yet...if you like something does it matter if it's common?? Just something I have been pondering lately.

  6. thanks for the inspiration! i have been trying to put the finishing touches on sam's room for ever. i totally bought the John Golden prints. i switched the veggie one for "no monsters allowed" and i can't wait until they get here!

  7. Wish you were here to help me make decisions on the living room. I shopped all afternoon and didn't find anything to go with what I have...rug, fabric for draperies, a curtain rod long enough to go across the whole window, new frames. OK, I did find frames I like at Michael but this happens to be the week that they are not on sale. Rats! Miss you!

  8. Oh wow! So many fun choices...I say get one of each?!

    I really LOVE the Keep Calm in ORANGE...for sure get that one! :)
