Monday, April 28, 2008

Go Speed Racer, Go!

Our friend David celebrated his birthday this weekend and Nikki threw another unforgettable party. David loves to be outdoors so she planned a picnic in Hocking Hills followed by a hike to Old Man's Cave. It rained all morning, but by the time we finished our picnic under a pavilion, the skies were clear.

David says he loved Speed Racer way before it was cool so Nikki threw him a Speed Racer party complete with Speed Racer themed plates, cups, napkins, tablecloth and cake and to top it off she gave him this. (David joked that anyone walking by would think it was Creed's birthday instead of his birthday) Isn't that amazing? A guy at her office does them. I was being lazy with my camera so I shamelessly stole the Etch A Sketch picture from Nikki's blog and I don't have any picnic photos. I did bring my little camera along on the hike so here we are at the lower falls.
And here's the rest of the crew. They have really become our family here so we loved spending the day with them.
Audrey was so good in her pack.
Creed was another story. Here he is with Larry enjoying the upper falls (and by enjoying, I mean, being very annoyed that we would not let him climb in the water).
We lived in Columbus for years before we headed to Hocking Hills, but on our first visit we realized that it's really not that far and well worth the journey so we've visited many times since and it was one of the things we HAD to do one more time before we left so thanks to the Hudsons for helping us cross something off of our list!


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    And thank YOU for joining us!

  2. That sound slike tons of fun! I wish we could visit one last time and head there. Hey where did you get that pack for creed? I think we should get one for Logan.
