Thursday, March 06, 2008

I don't need a crystal ball to tell me we have a problem with clutter around here

Everywhere I look these days, I find advice for de-cluttering and cleaning out. Martha has an article about it in this month's magazine. My mom even has a post about it. At this point we can use all the advice that we can get because we're busy preparing to sell our home.

Now I own a whole lot of stuff, but I think it's been eye-opening for Larry to see that he has boxes and boxes and boxes just full of papers. He's spending many hours in the basement reading and sorting, which is how he uncovered this little jem. You really must click on it to enlarge it and read it yourself. Larry says he actually doesn't remember who Nadia is, but I think maybe she wasn't joking about the crystal ball because boy was she right about Larry one day having a wife who would nag him to clean up his stuff which would cause him to find those old letters.

Larry and I could not stop giggling when we read it.


  1. It is just amazing how quickly things accumulate isn't it.

  2. Watch out for the phropherous !!!(last line of the letter)


  3. So funny, Rick just came across a similar letter from a high school girl, although it didn't contain the nagging gem. It did ask him to "be careful who he showed this letter to . . . " Thanks for scanning that it. I got a good laugh!

  4. nice. so did larry save the letter or throw it away? hope the de-cluttering goes well! it feels good to throw stuff out!

  5. I have no idea who that person is either? Tell Larry to crack open the old yearbook to find out. Then you both will really get some good laughs! Hahaha....

  6. lol. when Joe and I got married he had just bags and boxes of papers. Such a pack rat. Well that's all gone now. And I guarantee you he doesn't even miss a 10th of it. If you find any great organization ideas, keep posting goodness we could be more organized.
