Friday, January 25, 2008

Creed at Ten Months

Creed seems to suddenly be so big! His stuffed doll has become the incredible shrinking Max.

He's also becoming so expressive. He only says mom, dad, dog, and sometimes ball, but he can communicate so much more. For instance, here he is letting us know he wants us.

He's eating us out of house and home and gaining some pretty chubby cheeks in the process. After nursing in the morning, he'll still eat a bunch of Cheerios or goldfish crackers, half a banana, a whole Yoplait yogurt, and a whole stage three jar of baby food.
He's starting to stand so well, but is pretty hesitant to walk on his own

He's also so dang smart. Today he figured out how to push the little lever in to open the back of our TV remote over and over again. He watches everything going on around him in wonder and is pretty amused with just about anything the first time he sees it. Here he is amazed by a wrapping paper tube today.
Creeders still only has one tooth and Larry managed to snap some pictures of it for you.
And I just wanted to add this picture because I didn't want to forget that every night when we peek in on him, he's sleeping all curled up with his little bum in the air.

He's an incredible sweet, cuddly baby (which makes it a little difficult for me to do things at times, but I try to remember that soon he won't want me to hold him all day long). I've started taking him to baby storytime at the library and he's not really sure what to make of such a big group of babies. This week he actually did venture off of my lap with a wary eye watching for any babies that might head towards him while he made a mad dash to pick up a ball and carry it back to my lap.
I think Larry and I find ourselves saying, "He's so cute!" several times everyday. I don't think we could possibly be anymore enamored with him!


  1. It never ceases to amaze me how cute this kid is. It's like what I think Anthony would look like if he would not be cranky with his teeth and his mommy obsession!! I love the bum in the air sleep. All my kids have done it and it makes me just want to climb in there with them and do it!!

  2. Jax had zero teeth at 12 months, and only has 4 at 16 months. I can't believe how big Creed is getting. What a cutie.

  3. Thanks for the pictures and editorial. Creed is growing too quickly.

  4. Anonymous9:46 PM

    He is so cute!! Love those monsters, I've been making them too!! :) They are so much fun!

  5. And the cuteness of Creed continues! Don't you LOVE it when they sleep like that with their bum in the air?!
