Sunday, December 02, 2007

Six things about me

I've been tagged by Amber so I'm supposed to list six things about me. Since I listed 100 things about me last year, I'm going to list some current facts about me.

  1. Our house is overflowing with my leaf plate and Mr. Potato head collections so I'm starting to collect something new, ampersands (the "&" symbol). I loved this picture that I saw from someone who collects the letter H, but a wall full of the letter F just isn't quite as lovely. Instead, I decided to go for ampersands because I love ampersands and they are a little more difficult to find, which makes the hunt all the more fun. Plus I love the idea of some day having a wall fun of ampersands over my writing desk so I could stare up at , "& . . . & . . . & . . ." as I write. So far my collection consists of one ampersand as pictured below (not much of a collection yet, but don't you love it?). PS-I thought this was an original idea and then Candice told me that one of her friends has a whole wall of ampersands.

  2. I am currently car-less. We were in an accident on the way home from church today, and while we are all shaken, but fine, I cannot say the same for my poor Isuzu Rodeo. The damage is pretty ugly, and we're waiting to find out how bad it really is. I LOVED my car and found myself wishing it could have happened in our junky Hyundai, but it's probably for the best as we may have been hurt were we in the Hyundai. I am guessing we may have to rent a car this weekend while the Garners are visiting because we can't all fit in one car and we only have one car! And how am I supposed to be working on secret Christmas plans if I don't have a car?

  3. My love for polka dots may be eclipsing my love for stars, and this is BIG news if you know me.

  4. I'm currently addicted to Simply Apple juice. It taste so fresh, crisp, and yummy!

5. I hate to admit this, but I'm probably up to my ears in library fines right now because I have a stack of books that I've been meaning to review so I keep holding on to them. I've slowly been working my way through them on the Children's Literature Book Club blog.

6. I love buying gifts. Larry and I used to have very different gift giving styles. I keep explaining to him that when you need to buy a gift, you are not supposed to walk around any given store and force yourself to find something for that person while you happen to be there simply because you are already there. You are supposed to think ahead of time about what that person might really love and then you specifically set out to buy that item. I actually really enjoy thinking about it and I have to say that over the years, Larry has become a fantastic gift buyer and now he even starts shopping way before me.


  1. i can't see the pic of the ampersand that you have, but i remember seeing one at pottery barn a while back. cute idea.

    i love simply anything too! we started out with the oj, moved to the lemon|lime ades and are loving the apple now too! their stuff is great!

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Your car is totalled? I'm so glad you guys are ok! Do you need me to pick anything up for you? Drive you to book club?

    I love ampersands, too. The word is so pleasing to say.

  3. Ditto on rides, or help picking anything up. Car accidents are so frustrating--sorry to hear!

  4. Yikes! Glad you're all okay.

  5. Are you serious that polka dots are better than stars for you? It can't be true. The Steph I use to know loved Stars and would never think about placing anything above them. What has happened to you? Man, you think you know a girl...

    Sorry to hear about your car. That is so sad and scary. I hope your car will be okay.

  6. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Are you alright??? I hope so. Thanks again for coming down. How was the pie?

  7. As always super creative and cute. Wish I could be more like you.

  8. except for having the car accident. Glad you are ok.

  9. Oh Stepper:
    Glad you are all OK. How scarry! I hope you are able to work out things with your car.
    I found one great gift for is sure to make you smile but...what else to get? I don't know.

  10. can't wait to see your ampersand collection one day!!

    sorry about the car, i hope it gets worked out soon.

  11. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I looooove the idea of an ampersand collection! So so cool. I'm hoping that Jacob's gift giving improves like your husband's has! Jacob's a terrible gift giver! :)

  12. My name is Natalie, and this is my first post on your blog -- but I've been reading for a while. You're great!

    I can totally relate to comment #5 -- it seems that since I had my third child a year ago I just can't make it to the library every three weeks. That being said, if you're ever in need of someone to review a book, please let me know -- I love LOVE children's lit, and I'm known to be pretty picky about what my kids read. (Point of fact: I do not like the way "moon" rhymes with "moon" in "Goodnight Moon.")

    If you want me to do anything, please let me know at

  13. I saw the H picture somewhere in my blog perusing and loved it. Love the ampersands even better. They are so fun to write and I agree with Reba it's such a nice word to say. I loved your Rodeo, too. Glad you are OK. Jared's getting pretty good at gift giving now as well and I have to admit I didn't always look forward to gift time from him because I knew he was standing in some store staring at a wall because he couldn't find what he wanted and but would stay there until he found something, anything what would pass. ANYWAY, my point is, he's discovered how great on-line shopping is so he can actually give what he wants to give and not actually go out shopping to shop. Little boxes have been arriving and I've been very good not looking at the return addresses and am excited for Christmas.
    I really should have just written you an email.
    Miss you! Happy Christmas time!!!
