Thursday, November 29, 2007

Deck the Halls

We pulled out the Christmas decorations at the beginning of the week and Creed is having a hay day. Here he is checking out a reindeer ornament that I'm hanging up.
Here he is trying to grab a wreath I just put up.
Picking out Creed's first Christmas tree (this is not the tree we chose). If you haven't bought a tree yet and you want to, go to the tree lot on Frantz Road. It's the best!
Creed checking out a box of ornaments.
He fell in love with these beads and has been dragging them all over the house on his adventures.
Now we're trying to figure out how to protect him from the tree. He hasn't really gone for it yet, but I'm sure that he eventually will. Any suggestions?
Decoration pictures to come soon!


  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Why is that kid so freaking cute

  2. my mind is blank! where is frantz rd? glad creed had fun!

  3. On Jon and Kate Plus Eight, they surrounded their tree with a child gate. Seems a bit harsh, but it would do the job. I've also heard of people only putting ornaments about the child's reach. I'm not sure I'm crazy about either idea...maybe just hope he doesn't destroy it?

  4. The good thing about a real tree is that once he touches it - he'll never want to touch it again. Last year I was worried about Myles pulling the tree over, but once he touched the tree and felt how pokey it was he stayed far away... Maybe let him touch it while your standing there and watch his reaction. I bet he doesn't like the feel of it... Good luck!

  5. OK...this Creed character is JUST TOO CUTE!!!! We need to have a Christmas luncheon reunion tour...and you MUST bring that baby!

  6. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Scott just thinks he's cute because he's wearing a vest...
