Thursday, June 21, 2007

One Step at a Time

This is Creed

This is Creed holding his head up

(that's actually last week so he can hold it up a little higher now)

This is Creed trying to walk

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I can't believe that he's almost three months old!


  1. They grow up too fast soon he really will be walking and you will say how did that happen. He sure is cute. I love that shirt he is wearing. I love to hear Larry in the background. Dad's just love when kids do new things.

  2. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I am so impressed!! Teething and trying to walk!! And, by the way, it's good to know how to post a video on my blog. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

  3. So Creed won out huh? I remember back in the day how against this name you were :) I have been searching and searching for your blog. Yay I Finally found it.


  4. Cute video - Creed is so advanced :)
    How did you blog a video.. you really are the blogging master - teach me...
