Friday, March 02, 2007

It's March and you know what that means . . .

I'm due soon! I'm tempted to start telling people that I'm due on March 31st instead of April 1st because it sounds so much sooner! I had a doctors appointment today and it looks like the baby wants out. My doctor couldn't believe how low his head is, but alas, I am not the least bit dilated. She's going to do another ultrasound next week to check his size again because his head is so low, but his legs and bottom are still crammed up in my ribs so who knows how big he is. Let's hope not so big.
I've been pining away over upholstered rocking chairs and I finally found one that I could afford with the Visa gift certificate I got from my office for Christmas. It arrived this week and I'm so excited to get it set up in the nursery. When it's unpacked and set up, it should look like this
Not much else is going on. Larry has started another crazy rotation, and he's getting ready to interview for a fellowship position at OSU on Monday. I've been working on finger puppets for my quiet book exchange group. I'm almost done with the chickens.And I plan to start on Penguins next.


  1. Anonymous6:04 PM

    you choose to make 2 birds instead of a jaguar .....very sad day for the Team President. Also you made 2 flightless birds.....couldnt you have picked at least one that could actually fly.

  2. Those puppets are darling and the chair will be perfect for rocking your new baby. You can do the half sleeping thing in it. :)

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    That chair is really cute. Where'd you find it?

  4. Could you tell us where you found that rocking chair? Thanks.

  5. I looked all over for rocking chairs. I loved the ones at Pottery Barn and The Land of Nod, but they were way out of my price range. I saw this one in the Sunday ads at K-Mart of all places and it was on sale so I was able to find a coupon code online and get it for under $160.00. They have it in pink and khaki.
