Monday, November 06, 2006

Boy or Girl?

After reading the blog of a friend who is also expecting, I started to feel really bad because I feel like Larry and I really haven't celebrated. My friend is busy testing strollers and decorating the nursery and debating about names, and I haven't done any of those things or even started to think about them. I was just so worried for so long that somthing would go wrong, and I almost felt like if I started doing those things I would jinx myself. I'm not really superstitious, I just knew that if I had a nursery ready, and a name picked out, and a carseat waiting and then I had a miscarriage it would only be harder. Plus, I was feeling so sick and who feels like celebrating when they are sick?

Well, I'm finally feeling quite a bit better. Thanks to all of you for your advice on morning sickness. I have been trying everything. I don’t know if it was Emily’s suggestion to use a child-size toothbrush or Kate’s suggestion to try Unisom again or if I’m just finally progressing on, but I have gone a few days without throwing up (Ok, I did have an episode last night, but it was minor).

Everything has looked good at my doctor appointments and my doctor says she feels confident saying that at this point a miscarriage would be highly unlikely so after talking with Larry, we've decided it's finally time to really be excited and do something special to celebrate. We are supposed to find out at our appointment on Friday if we are having a boy or a girl, but we've decided not to find out at the appointment. Instead, we are having my doctor write it down and seal it in an envelope, and we are inviting all of our friends over to our house on Friday night to open it and find out with us. So if you're reading this and you're in town and you don't have plans for this Friday, please consider yourselves invited and head over to our house around 7:00 p.m. to celebrate with us!


  1. What a fun idea!! Are you going to take a poll before you open it??
    Did I tell you Congratulations yet?? I really am so excited for you. Also, a lady at a health food store told me ginger helps with nausea (like ginger mint candies or something like that) as well as B vitamins.

  2. Super fun! Just make sure to post for us out-of-towners ;) I'm SO glad you are feeling better!

  3. What a great idea. I hope you have a great party.

  4. We had planned to be there, but our evening ended up a bit different than we'd expected. So.... BOY OR GIRL?! I'm dying to find out!
