Saturday, June 17, 2006


Things I'm looking forward to in Utah:
  1. Of course seeing friends and family.
  2. Cafe Rio Salad (Sorry Cassie, I know you prefer Chipotle, but it just isn't the same)
  3. Cool nights with a breeze coming from the canyon.
  4. Church that starts before 1:00 and seeing my dad in action as the bishop.
  5. No humidity; my hair won't become a giant wavy puff-ball the second that I step outside.
  6. Our annual space at the Fourth of July parade in Provo. My Uncle Cory and his kids always camp out on the curb starting at about 3 a.m. to save our special spot.
  7. My Uncle Cory harrassing every group in the parade getting the crowd to chant so every band, cheer leader, and singer performs infront of us.
  8. J-Dogs. Thanks for introducing me dad!
  9. Startups suckers
  10. Actually running into people I know around town. This is just starting to happen to us after five years in Columbus, and is still a rare occurance in a big city.

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