Wednesday, June 07, 2006

100 Things (81-100)!

81. I can’t stand girls that go by the nickname “princess”, but Larry calls me princess all the time and it never bothers me.
82. I stayed up until 2 am Sunday night reading the manuscript of a book my friend is working on because I had to know how it ended!
83. From around kindergarten through second grade I loved dressing up in bags. I would draw different outfits on them and poke holes for my arms and head, and don’t you worry I have plenty of pictures to document these outfits.
84. I have a weakness for cute shoes that is almost as serious as Larry’s weakness for jackets and coats. He’s from Orange County, how did he get so obsessed with jackets and coats before we even moved to Ohio?
85. In undergrad I took all of the classes that I needed to graduate with honors, but I didn’t finish my thesis because I graduated a year early so I didn’t graduate with honors.
86. My thesis defense for my master’s degree ended with hugs from both of my advisors who then told me that they thought that I should be a writer (and one of them has headed the Caldecott Award committee!). It one of the best days of my life.
87. People ask me all the time if I have colored contacts.
88. Larry and I have never set a budget. When he was in medical school we didn’t have a lot of money and we just tried to spend as little as we could and a budget wouldn’t have changed anything. Now we need to, but it just seems so complicated to me.
89. The day Larry matched at OSU for his residency we were both a little depressed so we went couch shopping with the money we had saved for moving expenses.
90. I couldn’t pronounce the letter “R” when I was little so I had to take three years of speech therapy. I still have a little trouble with it when I’m really tired. Maybe that’s why I love the picture book Hooway for Wondey Wat so much.
91. I’ve only really had one crush; Mike Winget, eighth grade. I’m blushing right now just thinking about it!
92. I went through several years when I was young that I was a total slob. I had a large bedroom and you could barely see any of the floor. My mom made me seriously clean my room about twice a year when grandparents were coming to visit and it took ages. She later confided that the reason I had such a big walk-in closet was that if I had to I could shove everything in there and guests wouldn’t know how messy I really was.
93. I still have a really big walk-in closet. Hmmmm . . .
94. When I was about four Candice, her friend, and I left some food out in a kudzu patch for the Cabbage Patch Kids (because everyone knows that’s where the Cabbage Patch Kids live) and the next day it was gone and I was convinced the Cabbage Patch Kids were real.
95. The reason I don’t really wear make-up isn’t that I don’t think I could use some, it’s that I don’t really know what I’m doing when I try to buy makeup or put it on. I always just feel ridiculous.
96. Something about unfinished puzzles drives me crazy. I get sucked in and have to finish them.
97. Rebekah and I are working on starting a writers’ group via blog (yes, another blog, but it will be so different from my other blogs and I’m really excited about it).
98. I’m spending the weekend with Candice so we can work on designing some printable card kits. We help each other out with things all the time, but this is the first time that we are officially working together as graphic designers. It should be fun as long as we can buckle down and get some work done.
99. When I turned 16 I didn’t want to get my driver’s license. I was the youngest of my friends, and I never went anywhere by myself, and they could all already drive. Two months later my dad finally overheard me on the phone with my driving instructor who called to ask me if I wanted to take the test yet, and my dad interrupted and said that I HAD to take my driver’s test.
100. I’m doing pretty well with most of my goals that I’ve told you about, except for writing more thank you notes. I’ve only written two. Why is it so hard for me to remember to write thank you notes?


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    It's been fun learning all these fun new things about you. I would be curious to see Larry's 100 list.

  2. Anonymous8:18 PM

    What do you mean it will be fun IF we get things done? We are so going to get everything done! Plus we have fun no matter what!
    I love reading all these things. It makes me smile...we should have gotten along earlier in life.

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Who is this Mike Winget fellow?!? Why have I never heard of him???
