Sunday, April 09, 2006

Our weekend

We did not have a thrilling weekend, but we accomplished a lot. Larry did our taxes, I checked out an apartment for a friend who might move here, I tried a new recipe (Larry and I set a goal to each try a new recipe this month because we cannot cook and we can only stand Pastaroni so many nights a week!), and I finally hung those frames up.

We did manage to fit in a little fun. Larry got together with some old friends for a boys' night on Friday. They went out to dinner and then came back to our house to play games.

I came downstairs and seriously thought that they were playing magic, but Larry said that it's called Talisman and it's not nearly as nerdy as playing magic. I do not have a comment about that polite enough to publish on this blog. Suddenly those stories that I heard about 14-year-old Larry in his friends playing stategy games for hours were easy to believe.

Saturday morning I went out to breakfast with some friends from church. I think that my friends are a little cuter than Larry's.

That pretty much sums up our weekend.


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    i hate to break it to you steph....but since you already married him.....HE DIDNT JUST PLAY THOSE GAMES WHEN HE WAS 14. IT WAS MORE LIKE 17 YEARS OLD!

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Don't rat me out, anonymous!!

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    And while our friends are cute, I think mine might be cuter.

    Okay, not at all. But as you can see we're definitely NOT nerdy.

    Okay, we are. Dang it, this blog has become a window into my soul!
