Friday, March 24, 2006

Mrs. Darcy

I had some of the girls that I visit and teach over for a night of Pride and Prejudice last night . I made t-shirts right before everyone came over. You can't read them very well, but they say "Mrs. Darcy" on them. Larry made a short appearance to snack with us and help me set up, but he didn't stay for the movie (don't be fooled; he loves the six hour version of Pride and Prejudice, but he was post-call so he would have snored through the movie, plus he probably felt left out because I didn't make him a Mrs. Darcy t-shirt).


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    She's right. I just wanted a shirt, was that too much to ask?

  2. What a fun party. Did you watch the old or new movie? Did anyone cry? I am going to start reading the book tomorrow -- it just came in from the library. Can you believe I have never read it -- I am excited to finally understand the craze women have of Pride and Prejudice.

    --Laura Williams
