Friday, July 02, 2010

Personalized Banners

Do you remember those happy birthday banners that they used to make with a brad between each shiny cardboard letter? Did you know that a lot of party stores sell individual letters so you can make a banner say whatever you want? I didn't until I was walking through Zurcher's a few months ago and I immediately had to buy some.

The first one was for my friend Nicolette who lives far, far away. I figured, if I couldn't be there for her birthday, at least I could pop a note in the post to let her know what I really think of her.

The second was for Lisa and she really hung it in her bedroom which make s me really happy!
So fun and easy to put together in the blink of an eye.

PS-These old pictures are making me miss my old house!


  1. Mine adorned my mantle for quite some time!!! Thanks, Steph!!

  2. i will defintiely have to make some of these. they are awesome! thanks for sharing :)

  3. Stephanie:
    You are absolutely amazing. Congratulations on Oliver! He is so handsome. It looks like things are going so well for you. Thanks for always sharing you talents and ideas. You truly are so inspiring. Your family is absolutely stunning. Hope all is going well.
